Program overview

Perek Eilu Mitziot

Rebbe Alon - Bava Metzia

By Rabbi Daniel Alon

Program overview


Perek Eilu Metziot Overview


Perek Eilu Metziot speaks about what to do when you find a lost object. Where is this Mitzvah found in the Torah and what are we obligated to do?


Mishna Introduction


Our Mishna contains 11 lines and is made up of a Question, Answer, Statement and another Statement.


אלו מציאות שלו...אין חייב להכריז

Lines  13-23 Mishna

We go in-depth with the Mishna's 4 steps. The question, answer, statement and the other statement.


מצא פירות...קב בארבע אמות

Lines  24-25 Gemara

The Gemara begins with speaking about what is considered scattered fruit and when should you return it and when can you keep it.


היכי דמי...ולא מפקר להו

Lines  25-32 Gemara

The Gemara explains an easier way of knowing if the owner gave up hope or not.


בעי רבי ירמיה...לא מפקר להו

Lines  32-43 Gemara

The Gemara goes through two of the four questions asked by R' Yirmeya


קב שומשמין...תיקו

Lines  43-50 Gemara

The Gemara goes through the remaining two questions asked by R' Yirmeya and comes to a conclusion.


איתמר יאוש... בו סימן

Lines  50-2

Intro to Yeush Shelo Midaat. Someone found an object before the owner gave up hope. Once the owner finds out he lost it, he will surely give up hope - can the finder keep the object? There’s a disagreement between two Amoraim, Abaye and Rava.

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