הַכּוֹנֵס צֹאן לַדִּיר...לִסְטִים חַיָּבִים
Lines  1-5
We go through cases 1-5 in the Mishna if the owner is responsible for damages or not.
הִּניָחּה בַחָּמה...נְכָנס רֹוֶעה תְחָּתיו
Lines  6-8
We go through cases 6-8 in the Mishna if the owner is responsible for damages or not.
נְפָלה לִגָּנה...אם סאַתִים סאָתִים
Lines  8-14
We go through cases 9-10 in the Mishna.
Mishna Summary
Lines  1-14
A quick summary of all 10 cases in the Mishna.
תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן...זֶהוּ שֶׁלֹּא כָּרָאוּי
Lines  15-18
The Gemara begins with explaining what it means to watch an animal properly.
אָמַר רַבִּי מָנִי...אֶלָּא סַכִּין
Lines  18-24
The Gemara explains who the Tanna of our Mishna is, based on an earlier Mishna in our Masechet.
אֲפִילּוּ תֵּימָא...שֵׁן וָרֶגֶל
Lines  25-29
This Gemara will enlighten us and tell us how we can even be going according to R' Meir.
בּוֹר דִּכְתִיב...עַד תֻּמּוֹ
Lines  29-38
The Gemara explains from Pesukim that a basic watching is enough. This applies to damage by teeth, feet, pit and a fire.
אָמַר רַבָּה...שְׁמַע מִינַּהּ
Lines  39-45
Rabbah brings a proof that the Gemara goes like Rav Meir.
תַּנְיָא...מֵעִיד לוֹ
Lines  45-48
Rav Yehoshua teaches us for cases that you aren't obligated in beis din, however you are obligated in the heavenly court. In this lesson we will introduce all four cases.
אָמַר מָר...בְּכוֹתֶל רָעוּעַ
Lines  55B 48- 56A 1
The Gemara explains the first case of Rav Yehoshua. The case is when one broke down the fence of his friend.
אָמַר מָר...טָמוּן בָּאֵשׁ
Lines  1-6
The Gemara explains the second case of Rav Yehoshua. The case is when one bends the grain of his friend and causes damage.
אָמַר מָר...אֶלָּא לְחַבְרֵיהּ
Lines  6-8
The Gemara explains the third case of Rav Yehoshua. The case is a man who hires two witness to testify non truthfully against his friend.
והיודע עדות... ותו ליכא
Lines  9-12
The Gemara previously quoted from Rebbe Yehoshua that only four cases are patur in this world but obligated in the next world. The Gemara asks that it seems there are numerous other cases found throughout Shas.
ותו ליכא... וחכ"א
Lines  12-23
The Gemara previously quoted from Rebbe Yehoshua that only four cases are patur in this world but obligated in the next world. The Gemara asks that it seems there are numerous other cases found throughout Shas.
וחכ"א פטור... מהו דתימא
Lines  24-28
The Gemara answers that yes! There are more cases that are patur in this world but obligated in the next world but there was a specific reason why Rebbe Yehoshua chose these four cases. In this class we explore the first case.
מהו דתימא...קמ"ל
Lines  28-34
The Gemara now explains the second case of Rebbe Yehoshua where one bends the grain of his friend.
והשוכר עדי...קמ"ל
Lines  34-37
The Gemara now explains the third case of Rebbe Yehoshua where one hires false witnesses to testify.
The gemara mentioned that a measurement of 1 kav of fruits (wheat kernels) in an area of 4 Amos belong to the finder. How about 1/2 of a kav of fruits in an area of two amos? Or two kav in eight amos? Or one kav of something very small like sesame seeds in an area of four amos? Or one kav of something very large like pomegranates in four amos?