Program overview

Perek Eilu Mitzios

Eilu Mitzios - Rebbe Scheller

By Rabbi Eli Scheller

Program overview


אלו מציאות... אין חייב להכריז

Lines  13-23 Mishna

The Mishna lists 10 different lost items that belong to the finder.


מצא פירות מפוזרין...מפקיר להו

Lines  24 - 32 Gemara

The Mishna speaks about scattered vs. fruits placed down neatly.


בעי רבי ירמיה...תיקו

Lines  32-50 Gemara

The Gemara discusses different amounts of wheat kernels that fell.


איתמר יאוש שלא מדעת...מהשתא הוא דמיאש

Lines  1-14 Gemara

If someone found an object before the owner gave up hope.


תא שמע...וכדרבי יצחק

Lines  15-29 Gemara

The Gemara brings four proofs that the halacha follows Rava - that yiush without knowledge is considered yiush.


ת"ש המוצא...מלקטי ליה

Lines  29-41 Gemara

The gemara brings two proofs like Rava - that yiush without knowledge is considered yiush. The gemara knocks off both of those proofs.


ת"ש קציעות...נפילתה נמאסת

Lines  41-53 Gemara

The Gemara tries to bring proof like Abaye since it says you can’t keep olives that blow off the tree. The Gemara answers that since you can tell the olives are from the tree the owner won’t give up hope.


תא שמע הגנב...תרי גווני גזלן

Lines  53-5 Gemara

The Gemara brings the 8th Ta Shema which is a proof like Rava once again. The Gemara answers that it’s not a good proof


ת"ש שטף...אייאושי מיאש

Lines  6-15 Gemara

The 9th Ta Shema brings a proof like Abaye. The Gemara answers that it’s not a good proof.


ת"ש כיצד...אין תרומות תרומה

Lines  15-37

The 10th Ta Shema brings a proof like Rava from the case of taking teruma from your friends fruits without his knowledge.

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